Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help


A user can establish Alerts which are settings that will trigger messages when an alert Criterion Value has been exceeded. Alerts differ from Alarms in that they can be associated with any type of hydraulic model element. Alerts are set up in the Alerts manager which can be accessed from Components > Alerts or as the second button from the SCADAConnect Simulator dialog.

Alerts can be used for example, to find all junction elements that fall out of a given pressure range during a model run.

Alerts Manager

The alerts manager is shown below:

From the buttons at the top of the dialog, the user can create new alerts, delete existing alerts or duplicate an alert.

Checking a box in the column labelled when the alert is to be used in the next model run.

The Label is a user supplied name for the alert.

Severity is used to differentiate between different levels of alerts and can be Informational, Warning or Critical. They affect the color of the symbol at the beginning of an alert.

Element type refers to the type of element covered by the alert. Each element type has its own alerts such that junctions and hydrants would need their own alerts.

The Include Elements column enables the user to apply an alert to all elements of the selected type or to a selection set of elements.

The Results Field column enables the user to specify which result property for the elements will be used in the comparison.

The Test Criterion column identifies which type of relationship is to be used for the comparison.

The Criterion Value column enables the user to set the threshold numerical value used for the comparison. It is best to not set the threshold too tightly or it will result in a very large number of alerts.

The Units column is a read-only column showing the user the units for the criterion value.

Alerts Results

Alerts are calculated at the time the scenario is run, not when the alerts are entered.

The alert messages can be found with user notifications under Analysis > User Notifications and picking the Alarms and Alerts tab.

Most of the columns are self-explanatory. The color of the message is an indication of its severity.

When multiple elements trigger alerts, these can be viewed by picking the Details (first button on top of table) to view multiple alerts at a given time.

The second button enables the user to save the alarms and alerts in a csv file.

The third button generates a report that can be printed.

The fourth button copies the highlighted alert.

40020 "Base" "Tank" "456" "T2" 16.59 "Tank T2 low alarm level is violated." Calculation Warnings

The fifth button zooms to the element associated with the highlighted alert.

The sixth button selects the highlighted element in the model. When multiple elements trigger an alert, it is to do this in the Details version of alerts.

The final button is Help.